Transnational and Interdisciplinary Seminars and the Round Tables Collaboration is the key to success of Europe tackling the economic, social and environmental issues. The current project involves partners – NGOs public bodies, that believe in the sport and physical activities are universal power to both improve the personal and professional well-being of the individuals and businesses, the youth and the adults, which effectiveness is till underestimated and not exploited enough by the stakeholders for the EUROPA 2020 strategy fulfillment. The mix of all activities has another added value at EU level – the SPORT FOR ALL project involves various approaches, and will gather experts from different sectors, to reflect on the multydimension effect on sports to the youth /and adults also health. In this respect, particular attention will be paid to the sport and physical activities for any child in the 7 countries. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES: The “SPORT AGAINST VIOLENCE”…