International Electronic Artistic Competition for Students by Regional Youth Centre Košice „QUO VADIS, HUMAN?“ (Where is this world going?) Contest categories: I. Two-dimensional work of art (all art technology + computer graphics) II. Multimedia works (powerpoint slideshows, videos, music …) Internet voting – prize for work most voted for We live in an amazing twenty-first century. Life has never been so easy as today. We have a roof over our heads, enough to eat, our drinking water flows directly from the tap, deadly epidemics do not threaten us, the world in which we live is relatively safe. We have access to information, education, we have freedom. We have things that make our lives easier that our parents could never have imagined… So we have everything we need for a satisfied and happy life. But … Are we really happy? What do we still lack? This year’s competition “Quo…