Fundația Județeană pentru Tineret Timiș
International Electronic Artistic Competition

International Electronic Artistic Competition

International Electronic Artistic Competition for Students by Regional Youth Centre Košice „QUO VADIS, HUMAN?“ (Where is this world going?) Contest categories:   I. Two-dimensional work of art (all art technology + computer graphics) II. Multimedia works (powerpoint slideshows, videos, music …) Internet voting – prize for work most voted for   We live in an amazing twenty-first century. Life has never been so easy as today. We have a roof over our heads, enough to eat, our drinking water flows directly from the tap, deadly epidemics do not threaten us, the world in which we live is relatively safe. We have access to information, education, we have freedom. We have things that make our lives easier that our parents could never have imagined… So we have everything we need for a satisfied and happy life. But … Are we really happy? What do we still lack? This year’s competition “Quo…

BEST Timișoara (te) recrutează !

BEST Timișoara (te) recrutează !

Colorează-ți studenția! Intră în BEST Timisoara pentru cea mai frumoasă experiență a studenției. Fă-ți prieteni atât local, cât și din întreaga lume! BEST este prezentă în peste 33 de țări, iar datoria lor este de a ajuta studenții de la universitățile tehnice să se dezvolte. Pe lângă evenimentele pe care le organizează pentru studenții tehnici, BEST Timisoara au și evenimente interne pentru membrii: traininguri de dezvoltare personală și profesională, petreceri, seri de film, diverse beneficii și premii pentru fiecare student care are o contribuție importantă în organizație. Înscrie-te și tu pe până în data de 16 octombrie și așteaptă să fi sunat .

Diana’s Testimonial

Diana’s Testimonial

Diana’s Testimonial after the Erasmus+ Mobility within the Sports for All Project   After 9 days in the beautiful Albena I can easily confirm that ERASMUS + is a life changer! It is the best oportunity to meet people from other countries and learn about new cultures. It is also a great way to deepen your knowledge about different topics. I`ve been involved in a project named “Sports against violence” which I support with all my heart both because I like sports but also because I graduated law school and I was always against violence. Sports is equivalent to discipline, education. I believe that this category of people is more focused on health and a healthy mind would understand that violence is not an answer. I had the oportunity to speak about how Timisoara is encouraging the practice of sports in the city in the front of the mayor and…

Centrul pentru Strategii de Dezvoltare a Tineretului – Anunt Finalizare Proiecte

Centrul pentru Strategii de Dezvoltare a Tineretului a desfășurat în perioada Mai – Octombrie 2016 proiectele “CURSA CULTURALĂ 2016” , “INVESTEȘTE ÎN TINE(RI)” , “LIBER LA VORBIT” , “SAY NO TO HATE SPEECH”.  Proiectul “Cursa Culturală” si-a propus să le ofere tinerilor timișoreni şansa de a-şi redescoperi oraşul şi, ȋn acelaşi timp, de a se distra alături de persoane noi, ȋn ȋncercarea de a găsi “comoara culturală a Timișoarei”, pe baza unor indicii, ghicitori si jocuri care le-au pus la incercare creativitatea, inteligenta si spiritul de echipa. Află mai multe aici:   Proiectul “Say No to Hate Speech” a reprezentat implementarea la nivel local a campanii internaționale de combatere a discursului instigator la ură prin folosirea principiilor de bază și a valorilor promovate de aceasta, însă adaptată la contextul și nevoile locale. Află mai multe aici:   Proiectul “LIBER LA VORBIT” a presupus organizarea de ateliere de…

Testimonial Proiect “PerFreeArt – Perform your form”

Testimonial Proiect “PerFreeArt – Perform your form”

Testimonial Proiect Internațional: Schimb de Tineri (Erasmus+) 21 August – 29 August 2016@ Oviedo, Spania Denumire proiect:  “PerFreeArt – Perform your form”   Fundația Județeană pentru Tineret Timiș (FITT) a fost reprezentată de șase tineri la un schimb de tineri internațional “PerFreeArt – Perform your form”, cu participanți din 3 țări diferite (Italia, Romania, Spania), în perioada 21 August – 29 August 2016 în Oviedo, Spania.   Pacioaga Alex-Ionut a fost unul dintre tinerii care au participat la acest schimb international de tineri:   “Salutare! Ma numesc Pacioaga Alex-Ionut, unul dintre norocosii care au avut parte sa participe la acest proiect in Spania, Oviedo. In primul rand, a fost prima mea data cand am fost in Spania, de asemenea la o asa departare de casa, si am ramas placut surprins de peisaje in general si mai ales de oameni. In al doilea rand, acest proiect a fost menit sa ne ajute sa…



CALL FOR ONE ROMANIAN (EVS) VOLUNTEER Project title: “Become a Volunteer! Change the World!” Location: Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA Period: 1 September 2016 – 28 February 2017      Objectives of the project: – To take 4 young people, between 17 – 30 years old, who are unemployed, quitted or excluded from the formal education system in our organization for a period of 6 months each/ maximum 2 at the same time/; – to improve their professional skills, knowledge and competences so that after their EVS project , they will have higher chances for professional realization on the labour market or in general; – to help with the professional orientation of the young people in Europe, in order to increase their chances to find a job; – to promoteyouth employment in the European Union, while enhancing their skills and qualifications, with special emphasis on combating youth unemployment; – to promote European youth…

Call for Participants

Call for Participants

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS  INTERACTIVE TRAINING – SPORT AGAINST AGGRESSION 11 – 14 MAY 2016 Project designed for school and kindergarden teachers, representatives of the local authorities, NGOs working with youth and parents. Experts from Bulgaria and the partner countries will couch the interactive trainings.   Schedule: Day 1. Registration. The masks of aggression. Basic theoretic preparation for the meaning and interpretation of aggression. Practical approaches for analyses and intervention against youth aggression. Intercultural dinner – together against violence. Day 2. The Discrimination diversities at schools and kindergardens. Practical approaches for creative activities and sports as a means for fighting youth aggression. Intercultural evening – All for happy youth. Day 3. SPORTS against violence and discrimination – workshops and case studies practical sessions. Networking for sports against violence. Goodbye party. Day 4. Networking for sports against violence./Individual sessions/ Departure of participants.   Place: Albena Beach Resort Total Participants: 90 (including organizers,…

International Training Course Project @ Villa Elba, Finland 9 – 14 May 2016

International Training Course Project @ Villa Elba, Finland 9 – 14 May 2016

Youth Centre Villa Elba (FINLAND) organizes a training course about conflict management for young people with fewer opportunities. During this training course we will introduce methods and share good practices regarding conflict management. As working methods we will use theoretical inputs, practical exercises and role-plays depending on participants’ active participation. Therefore we wish that participants have sufficient English skills to participate in such workshops.   This training course aims to: to deepen the participants skills and competences for better conflict management offer ideas how to support youth to handle different emotions like disagreements, frustration and confusion offer a space for exchange of ideas, expertise and good practices regarding conflict resolutions to develop a common conflict management strategy for our network   /// Cazarea și masa sunt asigurate de către organizatori. Transportul se decontează în termen de maxim o lună de la data finalizării mobilității în limita a 275 euro /…

Modulul de Învățare / Formare în Advocacy.  10 – 11 Mai 2016

Modulul de Învățare / Formare în Advocacy. 10 – 11 Mai 2016

Fundația pentru Tineret Timiș vă așteaptă la Casa Tineretului pentru a participa la Modulul de Învățare / Formare în Advocacy.   Deschiderea evenimentului va avea loc marți 10 Mai, ora 9.50, conform programului pe care îl puteți găsi aici:   Modulul este organizat în cadrul Proiectului „Opportunities and Challenges for Tertiary Educational System in Promoting Evidence-Informed Good Governance Society – ActiveGovEdu”, finanțat prin Mecanimul Financiar SEE 2009-2014, iar prezentările vor fi puse la dispoziția publicului larg și pe site-ul Proiectului (

International Conference “Be an Active Citizen” 12 May 2016

International Conference “Be an Active Citizen” 12 May 2016

This event focuses on making available information related to volunteering as professional experience based on EU legislation, national legislation and also the immediate needs of young people in the field of volunteering. Sections within the conference are aimed at explaining the social relations that can be established in the context of everyday life and encourage young people to engage in debates and in consultative processes regarding the development and the future of youth at national and even the European Union level, by raising awareness of European citizens on their role in the society. Undergraduate students, master students, PhD students and youth have the possibility to share their ideas, creativity and innovation for significant contribution to the maintenance and development of civic spirit. For registration please complete the form: Check out the event also on facebook: Official website: